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Category Archives: holiday ideas

Castelsardo, a picturesque medieval village perched on...

Castelsardo is a beautiful medieval village in northern Sardinia perched on the Gulf of Asinara, full of charm and history. Read more

Discovering rural places of worship: rural churches

Discovering rural places of worship: rural churches Why not visiting Sardinia heartland by crossing its countryside to discover rural places of worship? Though not always important from the historical or architectural point of view, these sites still retain a special flavour and atmosphere! A visit can help preserve and enhance them. In the countryside of whole Sardinia you find numerous small churches dating back ...

Inside Tiscali Mount there is a village where time see...

Inside Tiscali Mount there is a village where time seems to have stopped. For Sardinians Tiscali is first of all the name of one of the most evocative and intriguing Late Nuragic settlements, which is hidden inside a huge natural cave, not easily accessible, in a very harsh and remote corner of the Supramonte Barbaricino. The nuragic village Tiscali is composed of two groups …

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